Thursday, August 30, 2007

the absolute final word on Vick

the absolute final word on Vick

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Larry Craig's wide stance

That guy is so far in the closet, He's running for office in Narnia.

Monday, August 27, 2007

tired but true

Zen Sarcasm

1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead ofme, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much
leave me the hell alone.

2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and leaky tire.

3. It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to stealyour neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

4. Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't bepromoted.

5. Always remember that you're unique. Just like everyone else.

6. Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

7. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a coupleof car payments

8. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

9. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

10. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how tofish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

11. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

12. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

13. Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.

14. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

15. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half andput it back in your pocket.

16. A closed mouth gathers no foot.

17. Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a darkside, and it holds the universe together.

18. There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.

19. Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.

20. Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

21. Never miss a good chance to shut up.

22. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and alaxative on the same night.

Friday, August 24, 2007

the law of unintended consequences

Okay, the NAACP local chapter in Jax, Fla is 'outraged' at the cartoon above. Good freekin' grief.....

Now on to a story I promised I would disclose.

Many eons ago I worked at a private school located in Midtown Atlanta, across the street from Piedmont Park, our cities version on 'Central Park'...

The 'children' at this 'school' would break for lunch everyday and eat it outside on the playground. Then the pigeons would come. The school had an old janitor/handyman that used to deal with this. Every couple of weeks, while the school was closed, he would climb on the gym with a bag of white bread and a high powered BB gun, and a 6 pack. Then he would commit 'pigeon genocide'. One time I watched as he picked up about 70 or so dead pigeons and put them in a hefty bag, and sprayed off the playground..

This appeared to work, somewhat. It kept the pigeon population down considerably.

Then, a hippie female teacher named 'Ravenel' found out and quickly put a stop to it.

Enter the 'experts. The first thing they did was put up stuffed owls on the roofs of all the structres. That did not work at all. Then they drove sharpened metal spikes underneath all the eaves so the Pigoens could not hang out there. That worked, to an extent. Except now they were sitting on top of the roof, often on the stuffed owls! Finally, they decided to put an adhesive on the roof itself, so the Pigeons would not want to walk on it. This seemed to do the trick~ the Pigeons were still present, but left to sit on trees away from where the kids were eating..

Only one problem: the adhesive glued about a zillion pounds of perilous pigeon poo right to the shingles. This was a huge health code violation. The school eventually had to re-roof and power clean every roof of every structure. It cost a ton of $$$. More then it cost to build a cafeteria, which is how they eventually settled the problem.

I often wonder what the janitor did with those dead Pigeons...I guess I'll never know.

Look for me tonight with Mudcat again at the Northside Tavern~ and tommorrow at the Grant Park Summer Shade fest playing with the Stonehouse Posse!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I forget nothing...I regret nothing...

Recently, a talented blogger in Minnesota wrote an interesting article called 'Radio Revisited''s a link to this article:

I told him his article on local gabber Chris Krok and his experiences within 'talk radio' would generate interest...He told a poignant story about how he walked away from a possibility, and how it bothers him to this day.

The story has been told a thousand times. But let me add a couple more for examples..

In the early 90's, when grunge was king and the president was a cool guy that played the sax, the band I was performing with (Mudcat) were offered a 'free exposure gig' playing a charity gold tournament...In December!

I was pretty lefty back then, and I couldn't understand why we were getting out of bed to do a free gig in freezing weather for a station that didn't even play music...Anyways, the host doing the remote that day was...drumroll please.....Sean Hannity.

The issue of the day was that Japan had been debating whether to issue commemorative postage stamps honoring fallen WW2 pilots...Namely, Kamikaze pilots. Hannity's response was 'Okay, then we will issue a stamp with a big mushroom cloud and call it Hiroshima!'...

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I told the guy doing sound that am...'Wow. What a jackass! Does this guy actually get paid to say crap like that?'. I indignantly packed up my stuff and left.

The guy I said that to was Mike Rose.

So flash foward many years later, and I am offered a chance to get 'inside radio' by the same guy. But that comment I made that one frosty am cost me getting inside radio for many years. I had a much harder road getting in, due to something stupid I said in front of station owners and management so many years ago...Wild, huh?

Mike Rose often told me a similar story: Hannity was his best friend, even his best man at his wedding ( he married one of the interns, BTW~ how Clinton!)..Years later Hannity tells Mike he has to leave Atlanta to take a TV gig with a fledgling network, Fox News. He implores Mike to come with him, and produce his radio show as well. Mike Rose says 'no thanks', and that decision is rethought often...

But here's a good story: After M Rose left, I took the am job producing Imus. When it was time to promote me to 680, they brought in another guy to fill in who needed to be trained. It was a cool black guy, around my age, with a wife,child, and limited college, only a stint in the armed forces..He had some small market radio experience, and he wanted in.

Mike Rose was the ONLY guy that would agreeably teach me anything at the station. The production guy was notorious for ingoring requests for additional training. I took it upon myself to show this guy everything I knew, and we soon became fast friends. After I left 680, I recommended him for the gig I was vacating, and trained him on 680 as well.

This guy loved radio. He would get up at 4 am, do the morning gig, then go work a 8-10 hour day parking cars for Enterprise rentals. He schmoozed his way into the Cumulus crew, and eventually got some weekend Jock experience in Macon on one of the smaller market stations. His handle was 'DJ Whip!'...

They guy is sitting pretty right now..He works as the producer for the Tom Joyner show, running the boards and cutting promo's for the biggest, baddest stick in town. He is on one of the nations heritage stations, and his show comes in 2nd place in the 12+ and market demo..He is earning a decent living, and gets benefits. His is one of the 'good stories'.

Unfortunately, there are more 'bad stories' with the sate of radio today. Oh well.

Look for me at the Northside Friday night. I'll be the large white guy with the sexy voice!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

another jackass neighbor story

Lee Cathey's claim to fame is Tiger Time Lawn Care. At a customer's request, Cathey will send women in bikinis to do your yard work. But it may be the bikini cut that forces Cathey out of an organization he's been part of for years.

"It's an act of perversion," said Dewayne Lufcy. "It's degrading to women."

Lufcy is a parent. He doesn't appreciate Tiger Time Lawn Care or its owner. Owner Cathey serves as part of the Shelby Youth Sports League. "I don't want my kids affiliated with him period."

Lufcy says he's thinking of pulling his children out of the league in protest.

"That's okay, that's their opinion," said Cathey. "It's no different than going to the beach. It's no different than seeing models on the runway."

Cathey says he loves giving back to a league in which he used to play. Since 1994 he's helped an organization with children ages 6 to 14 participate in football, track and cheerleading. "It's fun. It's something I enjoy. Working with 300-400 kids every year, year in and year out."

We couldn't find many people to speak against Cathey. In fact, just the opposite. Chris Barker told us Cathey is "just a dedicated person who loves kids and loves to watch them grow and earn the discipline that they get from sports."

Lufcy on the other hand says he's not convinced and he's not giving up without a fight. He plans to voice his complaints in front of the Shelby Youth Sports League's Board of Directors during a meeting next Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

caption this pic

The Prez and Candian PM..

Time is moving really really slow.....

Got to love You Tube.

For both of my regular readers, look for me at the Northside Tavern with Wed with Mudcat...
A couple hilarious Mike Vick vids to share:

Friday, August 17, 2007

just couldn't resist...

District officials plan to fire three corrections officers who failed to realize a woman was being held in the male detention unit at the D.C. jail last month even after she had been strip-searched and allowed to shower with male inmates, government sources said yesterday.

Virginia Grace Soto, 47, was arrested July 14 and thought to be a man despite her repeated protests otherwise, according to two internal reports by D.C. police and the Department of Corrections obtained by The Washington Post.

Yikes! I'll betcha she was 'popular' in the men's prison......The article left this out:

police apprehended Virginia as she was shackled to a car axle buried in Mike Vick's backyard.....

also, remember TB Guy? Check out his old lady:

now, turn your head and cough twice. Attaboy.

Kathy Griffin, movin off the D list to the Geek Squad

Griffin Dating Apple Co-Founder

Comedienne divorcee Kathy Griffin is dating Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Griffin, who split from former husband Matt Moline last year, met millionaire Wozniak after he watched her stand-up show last month.

Wozniak has been married three times and has three children.

Griffin is 49 and has a plastic Vagina...Okay, I made that last part up:-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thanks, honey!

Openly bisexual actress Angelina Jolie has said that she has given up women for her lover Brad Pitt. 32-Year-old Angelina openly admits she has bedded women in the past and also admits to experimenting with knives during sex. Jolie had a 10 year relationship with Jenny Shimizu but insists that she has given up women and her S&M fetishes since meeting Pitt.

“I’ve never hidden my bisexuality. But since I’ve been with Brad, there’s no longer a place for that or S&M in my life,” Jolie said. Jolie also says that rumors of them splitting are not true because he believes in her.

“He lets me talk to whomever I want. He has complete blind faith in me,” Jolie says.

In related news, a very dejected Brad Pitt has been seen drinking again.....

Monday, August 6, 2007

media wisin up: global worriers losing bandwagoneers..

In April, 1975, in an issue mostly taken up with stories about the collapse of the American-backed government of South Vietnam, NEWSWEEK published a small back-page article about a very different kind of disaster. Citing "ominous signs that the earth's weather patterns have begun to change dramatically," the magazine warned of an impending "drastic decline in food production." Political disruptions stemming from food shortages could affect "just about every nation on earth." Scientists urged governments to consider emergency action to head off the terrible threat of . . . well, if you had been following the climate-change debates at the time, you'd have known that the threat was: global cooling........

Thursday, August 2, 2007

leave the Gringo's alone

There is a big immigration problem that has been growing year after year. An increasing number of American citizens are moving to Mexico, and some of them are even becoming undocumented workers. Even worse, they are refusing to assimilate and are even insisting on retaining their U.S. citizenship.

Six years ago, on February 5, 2001, in an article entitled “American Retirees Flock to a ‘Paradise’ in Mexico,” the Washington Post reported that in the small Mexican town of Anjijic, where 7,500 Americans lived, there was a banner just past the Gringo Grill that in English read, “Welcome to your new home.” Bringing their culture to Mexico, the Americans in Anjijic were organizing gardening classes and Sunday morning walking clubs. The Lake Chapala Society had a library containing 20,000 books — in English — and an English-language theater. The Super Lake market carried rye bread and every type of Betty Crocker cake mix.

Restaurant menus in town were changing from enchiladas to waffles for breakfast. Most of the people at Donas Donuts were Americans, discussing U.S. political issues, presumably in English.
Since then the problem has only intensified.

That 2001 article reported that the U.S. Embassy estimated that 600,000 Americans were living in Mexico. Today, Wikipedia puts the number at one million.

The assimilation problem hasn’t gotten any better either. In a recent article entitled “Illegal Gringos,” the Los Angeles Times reported that San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, has many retired baby boomers moving into town, a number of whom are performing work without a permit or license. It’s obvious that they’re not even bothering to learn Spanish because there is an expatriate newspaper oriented toward them that is written in English.

Yes, you read that right — a local English-language newspaper in the heart of Mexico for Americans living there!

There are undoubtedly some people who are condemning all this as something despicable, perhaps even immoral. “I think it’s horrible that they’ve retained allegiance to the United States,” they no doubt are saying. “They should become Mexican citizens. Why aren’t they assimilating? Why aren’t they learning Spanish? They’re taking jobs away from Mexicans. They’re still flying the American flag, and they’re singing the Star Spangled Banner. They’re celebrating the Fourth of July more than the Cinco de Mayo.

Worst of all, they’re actually rooting for American sports teams rather than Mexican ones. Something needs to be done about these people!”

I say, leave those Americans alone.

Why shouldn’t they be free to live in Mexico any way they want?

If they want to associate only with other Americans, why shouldn’t they be free to do so? Why should they be required to give up their American citizenship just because they’re living in Mexico? Sure, it might be a good idea for them to learn Spanish, but shouldn’t this be left up to them? And yes, some of them are working illegally, but who cares?

Aren’t they providing services that people are willing to pay for and that are improving people’s lives? And so what if they’re still flying the American flag, singing the Star Spangled Banner, and celebrating the Fourth of July? Who are they hurting?

And does it really matter that they’re rooting for American sports teams instead of Mexican ones?

Leave Americans in Mexico be. Let them pursue happiness in their own way. Isn’t that what freedom is all about?